Felicitation Message to Dr KM Cherian

My Dear  Dr.  KMC,

Today  is very  special as  you were born on 12th  March!  Happy Birthday  sir.

God  has  chosen  you  to  come  to  mother earth before  the ides of March as Shakespare  put it  dramatically! 
  Apart from  that,  we humanity is blessed  by  your birth and the  subsequent  yeoman service  rendered   by  you  to  the needy and the  suffering universally  as  a  healer of  body, mind and soul. Though  I sound   flattering  , I  do resist  the temptation of sending platitudes as   you are  much above, PadamaVibhsahan  Dr  KM Cherian.
Even  at  the  age  of  80  today,  yes  you  have  the  head and heart  of  a  vibrant   youth ,to keep on marching  forward.  I am  sure,  you have many years  to  go the  extra mile in the  service  of  humanity and  the  environment.

Your  service  as  we  all know  is  an  eloquent testimony of  what God wants you to do  for  the  suffering  needy millions.

While  wishing   you  a blessed happy  birthday,  we, our Think Tank–SDF and  GLOBARC,  send  our  very  special  greetings, prayers and  best  wishes, so that  the  sovereign  God blesses  you  with  very many years of  quality life  with  rich  dividends  and  abundant  awards.

Our  Policy Advisor  Rev Dr Abraham  Mulamootil   would  personally  convey  our  greetings and  prayers  to  you  sir  KMC.

With  love and  prayers,Dr  KM GeorgePresident & Director  General of  SDF  –GLOBARC

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