Leadership: Attitude Vs Altitude



Salutations…  Bell…  Song…

YMCA is not  ymca unless you reach out to the  poor and  needy

Story of Indian  foreign minister in  Nairobi

For  successful leadership  attitude  is critical.

What is inside makes  you discernible

Eg –helium gas filled  balloon or some other  gas  filled  balloon

  • Foundation for success  is  attitude
  • Story of David & Goliath
  • Brothers said, “ he is too big to hit; David said, He is  too big not to miss”.
  • Same giant —different perceptions.

Tips to recognise people  with positive  attitude:

  • Caring  people
  • Confident people
  • Patient people
  • Humble people

How to build positive attitude?

  • Change focus-look for positive things
  • Every person/ situation has  something positive ( even  a stopped clock is right twice a day)
  • Negative people criticise always-they  say  sun shines to  cast  shadows- they forget their   blessings &  focus on troubles only.
  • Make a habit of doing
  • Live in the present and  do it now.
  • Will do it one of these  of  days—mean none of  these d ays.
  • Develop and attitude  of gratitude-count  your  blessings-not troubles.
  • Get into continued education programme.
  • Education of the mind w/o morals creates  only personality
  • Education to have  5  Cs:
  • 1) Character 2)Commitment, 3) Conviction;4) Courtesy & 5) Courage.

Five  Senses:

  • Touch;2)Taste;3)Sight:4) Smell;5) Hearing
  • Successful leaders have 6th sense “Common  sense-“ and  it is  wisdom
  • Wisdom is real power.
  • Stay away  from negative
  • Winner you think,  winner  you  will become”
  • A person is  known by the  company he  keeps  or
  • Drinking makes  to shed inhibitions- and  gives exhibitions.

Winning  Vs  Winners

  • Einstein had opined try not to be a man of success but values.
  • Winning is an event- winner is a spirit
  • A sure winner Olympian Lemieux has stopped his Yatch to save  his competitor—though  he  did not  win the race, he  became  a winner as per  its
  • Mr Gonzales was playing to win the  world  title in the final game—he lost  the  match-yet became a
  • One can be a winner without  a medal and  can be  a looser  with  a medal, if  winning is not as per
  • Winner do not  do  different things  but  things
  • Old values like fairness-integrity are not  obsolete- they mean  the same in NY-ND  -NZ

How  do  you rate  your ethical standards?

  • Taxi fare to your place is Rs  1500—but  one  taxi charges  you only  1200?
  • Your best friend seriously ill—Rs  50 lakhs
  • Bus fare to Ekm Rs 75—returns 425?

Mom Test—Child test?

Greed—Fear—Pressure affect our value  system.



Thk  you—



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