Peace Mission

Holy Father Aprem II,

(Patriarch of Syria)


1)  I know for certain that   you have   summoned a few   bishops from Malankara for   discussions following the stalemate after the apex court verdict.

I  wish  and pray  that  God will  goad  you  all  to  reach  a lasting  solution. Please  tell them that the  verdict  does not  make out  any  one  either a victor or  vanquished, but only  clarified  certain  legal issues in the  light of the  1934  constitution and  the past  supreme  court  judgments.


2) The history of humanity is one on bended knees and outstretched arms. As such hope   you would   approach the knotty issues in the same lines only.


3) There  are  a  few  among our  bishops  here  who  are very  vocal  and  even not  guided by  the  holy  spirit as  judged  from their  utterances as I  see in the  media. Even among the Orthodox Church bishops one Mar Saverious is the most intolerant and unchristian one.


4)  I  suggest  that   you may  ask each bishop  to make  a presentation not exceeding 30 minutes one by one and finally ask  all  to  give  your holiness  their considered final  views as  how to settle the  stalemate. Thus hear them all individually and collectively.


5) Once the discussions are  over,  just  tell them  that   you will  study  prayer fully the   suggestions  and as  the  holy  spirit  leads,  you  will take  an appropriate   action    cum decision which  will be final  and  binding  on   all in this case.


6)  Your final and  firm stand is  very critical for  which  I do not have  to  guide   you as   you are  grappling  with  the  IS  terrorist in many  places in Syria.


7) Winner   you think, yes winner   you become Holy Father.

8) Hope   you have  received  the  special  message  from Rev Dr  KM George on behalf of the  Catholicose  of  Kottayam in this  regard. I may  suggest that   you  may ask  for  a  delegation form  the  Orthodox Church  to  visit  you  soon to  know  their   concerns and  suggestions.  As  a  typical manager,  you may now  seize  this  opportunity as  God given  chance  in  your life time  to  settle  this  dispute  for  good and become  one of the   most  memorable prince of  peace in  the  annals  of humanity  during the  third  millennium.

8) Should   you need any input from my side, please do not hesitate to call me up at any time.


Dr KM George,

President and CEO of Sustainable Dev Forum

(Former UN Adviser)


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